Be compassionate, emphatic, understanding, and kind to everyone that you cross paths with today.

Be compassionate, emphatic, understanding, and kind to everyone that you cross paths with today. You do not know what pain or distress they might be facing in their lives.
The Lord gives us choices. We all have our own cross to bear. At times, our cross gets too heavy to carry alone. Stop. Stay positive. Pray. God will help you. He will indirectly bring his Earthly Angels to help you along this journey.
Find His inner Strength and Courage to face each day with an open mind and a loving heart. Great things are about to happen for you.
You must Believe to Receive all the blessings that God has in-store for you.
Have a great day my friends & loved ones.
Truly Yours In Christ –
Daniel T. Bochlas
“Make a positive difference in someone’s life today.”