25th of October New chapters of this life are opening up for you. Take the time …

25th of October
New chapters of this life are opening up for you. Take the time to embrace all the changes and the good positive outcomes that will show themselves in time.

Give It Time.

We are all here for a larger purpose. Feel God’s peaceful presence all around you today.

You are beacon of Light to all those who are in the cuffs of Darkness. We together are strong, we cannot do it alone. Challenge yourself to Reach out and touch a soul today.

Thank You God for listening to us and for answering our prayers. We Thank You God for all that is and all that shall become of us.

Enjoy this day that Our Lord has made and be glad in it. We are grateful for today.

Truly Yours In Christ –
Daniel T. Bochlas
“Make a positive difference in someone’s life today.”




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