Somewhere, over the rainbow…way up high, Lord, My God, Dreams really do come true.

Somewhere, over the rainbow…way up high, Lord, My God, Dreams really do come true.
Thank you God for all the wonderful people & memories that You have provided me with to keep in my prayers…mind, heart, & soul.
We need to remember all those that have helped us on our journey and the lessons that we have learned. Share Your Story.
With strength, knowledge, and a grateful heart, God will continue to help us achieve those dreams. Fight for the Good, Fight for your Faith.
Someday, we will all be over the rainbow together; free of pain & sickness, free of disparity, free to live together in peace & harmony, and most importantly, free to fly & love.
Truly Yours In Christ –
Daniel T. Bochlas
“Make a positive difference in someone’s life today.”